Island Treasure 2001

Norma Edens

Photo by Joel Sackett Photography

Norma Edens—almost literally—taught the Island to sing! In 1971, she joined with a small group of singers to form the Bainbridge Chorale. The fourteen years that she served as director were building years for the Chorale, as Norma took the many disparate voices and talents and molded them into a unified whole, a choir. Throughout, she displayed the qualities that distinguish all great teachers: outstanding skill, positive encouragement, attention to details, and unremitting respect for the music, the singers, and the audience. In the Chorale—and later in the Rolling Bay Presbyterian Chancel Choir—she helped singers learn to sight-read music, understand its terminology and history, improve their skills, and become better singers. It was common for her to remind singers of the words they were singing so they might convey the meaning of the text more profoundly.

Norma donated her time to accompany performances at Bainbridge Performing Arts, way back when it was still Bainbridge Light Opera. She worked with Greasepaint Repertory Company and served as a music resource person and accompanist for Bainbridge High School and Middle School. She adjudicated piano auditions for Bainbridge Music and Arts. Singing together is known to be one of the best ways to build community, and all of Bainbridge Island is stronger for Norma‘s contributions.