Island Treasure 2011

Ann Lovejoy

Photo by Joel Sackett Photography

Ann Lovejoy has been called the Mother Teresa of organic gardening—one who creates harmony between humans and their landscape. Planting roots on Bainbridge in 1988, her extensive writing and teaching career is rooted, appropriately, in sustainable organic gardening that feeds the body and soul while it honors the earth. Her writings combine practical advice with a spiritual respect for the earth.

Whether Ann is explaining the intricacies of compost chemistry, singing the praises of native plants, or creating recipes that provide healthy organic cuisine, her gift for inspiring her readers is legendary. The awards Ann has garnered include the American Horticultural Society’s Writing Award for Excellence and the Washington State Governor’s Award.

The jury that unanimously selected Ann as an Island Treasure considered her contributions as both writer and teacher on everything from planting a seed to enjoying a nourishing meal or a beautiful garden—and every step in between. They observed that she has created a garden mecca in the Northwest and pointed to the many public areas in the region she has adopted and transformed, including the perennial gardens at the Bainbridge Public Library that mask the parking lots with a profusion of plants and flowers. Ann is an Island Treasure because of her deep knowledge of the botanical world, her commitment to making this world sustainable, and her inspiring efforts to share her knowledge and passion with us all.