Island Treasure 2018

Nancy Rekow

Photo by Joel Sackett Photography

Nancy Rekow grew up in the countryside of New Jersey, climbing apple trees and exploring nature with her siblings. Later, armed with a degree in English from Oberlin and a master’s in teaching, she began a path she still walks today: working with words and imparting her knowledge, interest, and enthusiasm to others, both adults and children.

An award-winning poet, Nancy is known as well as a gifted teacher. Twelve years after moving to the Island in 1963, Nancy signed up for a poetry workshop with Bob McAllister. It was the start of a long career of working with aspiring writers. Her workshops in poetry and prose encourage not only the written word but the spoken word as well, and her students have been heard reading their work in countless venues around Puget Sound. Through writing prompts, discussion, and supportive critiques, she has awakened creativity in countless people for over four decades.

In addition to her devotion to her students, Nancy is responsible for two major cross-disciplinary projects: Island of Geese and Stars and The Northwest Poets and Artists Calendar. The former, co-edited in 1984 by Bob McAllister and Everett Thompson, paired independently created visual art and poetry from Island residents and enhanced the appreciation of each medium because of the presence of the other. The latter, which began in the late 1980s and continued for six years, became a fundraiser for the Bainbridge Island Arts Council, (now Arts & Humanities Bainbridge) of which Nancy was the first director.

As a poet, teacher, collaborator, and passionate supporter of the creativity within us all, Nancy has enhanced beyond measure our community’s literary landscape.

Listen to Bainbridge Community Broadcasting’s interview with Nancy Rekow: