Island Treasure 2008

Kristin Tollefson

Photo by Joel Sackett Photography

Kristin Tollefson creates art that explores the relationships between the natural world and the constructed one, and helps us find balance in those relationships. In both small studio sculptures and large public installations, she specializes in creating dialogues between apparent opposites, between the natural and the man-made, between organic form and manufactured substances. Hers is a hopeful thesis, namely that dissimilar materials can work together and opposites do not have to oppose; through art they can be given a common language and put on speaking terms.

For her fortieth birthday Kristin created a blog, turning the internet into her gallery space by curating forty moments into an online installation that reflected her art, her life, and meditations on both. Her art is essentially about connections: connecting past to present, idea to form, the handmade to the manufactured, man to nature. She unites the discipline of weaving, embroidery and sculpture. Whether the work is monumental or the size of a hummingbird’s nest, whether her material is the smooth polished metal of industry or rough logs dredged from a lake, she seeks to create a connection between them. Above all she connects people and art in public places.