Island Treasure 2020

Dominique Cantwell

Photo by Joel Sackett Photography

It would require a full cast to act out what Dominique Cantwell does in a single day. And she somehow does it all without script, rehearsals or understudies. Dominique performs her role with grace, humor, compassion, inclusion and just pure energy.

Dominique is of course best known as the face of Bainbridge Performing Arts. Since she was appointed Executive Director in 2010 she has brought the organization back to a sound financial status, strengthened the bonds with and expanded the scope of its member organizations, and made strong connections with fellow organizations.

Community. That is the key element in Dominique’s professional life. One of her nominators tells us that Dominique’s actions spring from her belief that the most important part of BPA is community. No one is ever turned away from a production at BPA due to cost, and she even provides complimentary theatre tickets to the police station so that officers can reward any citizen by giving out free tickets to the current production.

In addition to the regular main stage performances, Dominique books a wide range of culturally diverse events from Marimba bands to Taiko drummers to delight Bainbridge audiences and stretch their interests. It is essential to her that BPA’s programs are inclusive in every respect and that each and every facet of BPA’s activities reflect community values and interests.

Dominique’s commitment to the arts extends well beyond her duties at BPA. She actively participated in shaping the City’s new proposed comprehensive plan, which now includes the arts as a priority in our community. She was a driving force behind the recent reinstatement of the island’s municipal arts funding, which had been completely cut out of the city’s budget during the housing crisis and recession. And Dominique pursued this essential funding tirelessly even though little, or possibly none of it will go to BPA. She did that because she is an advocate for the cultural fabric that makes Bainbridge such a special place.